
The modern woman is tired of ads.

Props surpassed the client’s ROAS benchmark year-over-year since 2020.
Poppy Almond's content shows people trust people more than brands
Lunya is a sleepwear brand that creates the ultimate loungewear with innovative fabrics and functional silhouettes to make you rest-ready anytime. In a world that puts the grind on a pedestal, Lunya is a brand that, at its core, wants to remind its customers that it’s okay to tune the world out and into better rest.
We curated content at the intersection of self-care, skincare, and nightly routines, think pieces on self-discovery, and how to indulge in the joys of alone time. The Props creators captured readers with personal anecdotes and relatable topics that Lunya’s core demographic regularly searches for.
Props creator Poppy Almond wrote “How to ‘Switch Off’ to Enjoy Your Time Off" to appeal to affluent working women. Her story provided a personal narrative about how she unwinds when she’s not hard at work. From listening to music to getting in touch with nature, Poppy provided something for everyone.
Wondering how this performs for Lunya even though there's no mention of the brand? Poppy's personal story resonates with readers, playing into the emotional element of that stressful feeling everyone has while at work. And showcasing that she, too, knows what they’re going through allows them to connect with Poppy and want to continue to follow her and make the same decisions and purchases as she does.
“The Props platform provides a compelling promise for e-commerce brands: convert prospects into customers at a higher ROI through a unique, content-first approach. And Props delivers.”
Liz Dolinksi
Chief Growth Officer

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