
Sister entrepreneurs backed by generations of farmers

Props acquired new leads at 49% under the client’s benchmark
When Novo sought ‘blue collar’ entrepreneurs to attract other blue-collar entrepreneurs, Props sought out the Painterland Sisters to talk about how they built their business from the ground up. While they started with very little capital, they adapted their hard-working mindset that shaped their life on the farm to bring their vision for Painterland Sisters to life.
The Painterland Sisters shared their journey of adversities as females in a male-dominated industry and provided small takeaways the reader could benefit from if they were looking to leap into entrepreneurship. For example, they shifted their plans from building a processing plant to partnering with a manufacturer, which ultimately led to securing a bank loan through a community fundraiser.
Now, after years of hard work, investment in a skilled team, and continuous learning, they are experiencing the growth they always dreamed about, all while inspiring their readers to chase their own dreams.
Their story, "Owning a Business: The Benefits of Thinking Long Term," resonated with readers as Props cut Novo’s cost-per-lead across all platforms utilized, beating every benchmark set. Outside of the metrics, Props learned valuable insights about what imagery and messaging resonates best amongst audiences. Content with an aspirational element outperforms content that doesn’t because people want to feel as inspired as the Painterland sisters did in their pursuit.

Results your CFO can understand.

To learn more about Props, our results and how we can help you surpass your goals, please reach out to Holly and Tessa at Props.
Holly Lanahan
Head of Sales
Tessa Queri
Growth Manager
Book a Call with Holly & Tessa

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