Why are You Still Advertising?

Traffic with Props Content Beats Traffic with Branded Ads

Time and time again, marketers agree that promoting authentic content is better than promoting ads.

And we've proven them right.

Since 2019, we've been helping our clients lower acquisition costs and increase revenue by promoting authentic content directly from our clients' websites.

Find out how AAA, College Ave, Lunya, Novo, Domain Money and a dozen other DTC brands leverage the power of Props: the first and only authentic content marketing platform.

Across all Props clients, Props traffic campaigns promoting content through a creator significantly outperformed branded traffic campaigns promoting ads.

  1. Props traffic drove a 789% higher CTR
  2. Props traffic drove a 66% lower CPC
  3. Props traffic CTR and CPC stayed steady after iOS update in April while declining for brand ads
  4. Advertisers can use content to increase top and bottom of the funnel traffic

Click the report below to see more.

Your CFO will thank you.

Click here to download the report
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