bunq and Props began a Facebook campaign to unlock the German region, one of the European Union's most challenging and high-focus markets.
As a neo-bank looking to attract German ex-pats and digital nomads, Props set out to find creators who fit that bill. Props found Lukas & Natalie, German expats who sold all their belongings to travel across Europe and take to digital creation. Their lifestyle appealed to like-minded digital nomads ages 20 - 35, the exact audience bunq was looking to target. In their story, ‘Balancing Travel and Finances’ they detailed their travels across Europe, and how they budget to keep the journey going.
Being Props’ first campaign outside of the states, the results were beneficial to our continuous learning of every media platform. Props was 32% below the benchmark on cost per app install for bunq, improving by 67% from the launch of the campaign.

Through Props’ AI analysis of content and media performance, we learned that the language and message topics vary at each level of the funnel. For example, English speaking users convert the best from the ads, but German speaking natives resonate with the content, but don’t convert as easily.
The creator types also play a piece into performance. The German speaking travel couple and finance creator drow the highest CTR and lowest CPC of the campaign. But, our English speaking creator drove the lowest cost per app install among all three.